The health management committee (HMC) members, Health Staffs and Female Health Volunteers‘ (FCHVs) gathered on the premises of Dhadwar Sub-Health Post for the interaction meeting on December 6, 2012. They discussed on how the constructed toilets for the Oral Therapeutic Center (OTP) can be sustained for long and can be used regularly in future. Different ideas shared by different people. Some said the health center should request to the district authorities. Some other pessimists said no fund is available for operation and maintenance. The contrarian view came from the crowd. Why not to contribute from ourselves whatever we can? Almost 30 people were gathered there. Why not? The idea worked. Then, people started to collect from individual level. Finally they were made able to collect five thousand and five rupees in just 4-5 minutes for operation and maintenance of the WASH Facilities that was build as part of CERF Project. Then, everyone realized that if felt possible, then it definitely becomes possible. ―CERF Project has built WASH facilities for saving lives of hundred of our children and women. It would be a shame it we could not do such efforts from our community level. Today I feel privilege to contribute for this effort.‖ Said by Mr. Kashi Raj Gautam, VDC-Secretary, Dhadwar. Similar efforts were also made from different community people on different communities. Baidauli Sub-Health Post-Health Management Committee decided to collect Rs. 5 from each patient and contribute to the fund for the WASH Facilities Operation and Maintenance. HMC-Hathuasa also decided to place separate fund for Sanitation operation and maintenance out of 25 thousand funds that they already have. ―This project has become an igniter for us. Onwards, we will allocate funds on WASH Improvement and maintenance of the WASH Facilities from District levels as well.‖ Said by Mr. Achyut Lamichhane, DPHO-Bardiya. As part of CERF Project, all the Health Workers, FCHVs from all OTPs/SCs from Kapilvastu and Bardiya District have been trained and mobilized to aware and educate the community mothers, women and people on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Issues along with nutrition education. ―We used to share knowledge on nutrition and emphasis to use for nutritious food. However, did not adequately address on our hands that we feed, water that we drink and the infections that are transmitted easily due to open defecation,‖ Said by one Female Community Health Volunteer (FCHV). Under the funding of UN-Habitat, CERF/Life saving response through WASH Project is implementing by Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in partnership with two local implementing partners, IRDC in Kapilvastu and TWIC in Bardiya since June 2012 and continues up to December 2012. The project has mostly decided for the prevention of deaths due to malnutrition, silent emergency from these two districts. The project has benefited directly more than 1500 health workers, indirectly more than 20000 women and children so far and will continue to benefit more through WASH Promotion and disease prevention. Out of 37 Outpatient Therapeutic Centers (OTPs)/Stabilization Centers (SCs), WASH Facilities in 20 OTPs/SCs were constructed/ upgraded to save lives of thousands of children/infants/neonates.